This guide takes place inside the Felician Hub. |
Once you have logged into the Felician Hub, click on the Student Planning tile.
Once at the Planning Overview page, click on View Your Progress.
You will see a listing of general education requirements, as well requirements related to your major. Scroll down to a requirement that has yet to be fulfilled.
If you would like to search for available sections of a specific course listed, you can click on the course name. You may also click on the Search button at the top of each requirements table to view a list of all the available courses you may take to complete this requirement.
Not all courses are available every semester.
Some are offered only in the fall, and others are offered only during the spring semester.
Not all courses are available every semester.
Some are offered only in the fall, and others are offered only during the spring semester.
When on the Search for Courses and Course Sections page, you can Filter results to trim down the set of results.
When looking at a course, you can click on View Available Sections… for a listing of all sections offered per semester. This will display detailed information pertaining to the course section such as number of available seats, the course section instructor, and meeting information.
To add a particular section, click on Add Section to Schedule on your desired course, select the graded option, and click on Add Section. On the contrary, you may add a course without deciding on a section by clicking on Add Course to Plan, selecting the term, and clicking on Add Course to Plan.
To view a timeline view of your courses, click the Back to My Progress link near the upper left-hand corner of the screen, above the Filter Results box.
Then, again near the upper-left hand corner, click Student Planning, followed by Plan & Schedule.
Finally, click on Timeline.
Both your planned and registered courses will appear here. To remove a planned course from the timeline, click on the X next to the course name. To move a planned course to a different term, double-click on the course and select a new term from the drop-down menu. You will not be able to change the term if you added a specific section to your course plan, and you will not be able to move any courses that have already been registered.
Planning courses does not mean that you have registered for them.
Your course plan exists to assist you with the layout of your time here at Felician.
Planning courses does not mean that you have registered for them.
Your course plan exists to assist you with the layout of your time here at Felician.