Faculty - Viewing Your Class Roster

Getting started

This guide takes place inside the Felician Hub.
For help logging in, please see the following article.

On the Hub’s homepage, click on the Faculty tab.

Click on the title of one of your courses to view its details (e.g., location, meeting times, and seat availability). These courses will be categorized by their respective terms, and all terms will be ordered from most recent to least recent.

Click on Deadline Dates to see a list of all the add/drop dates pertaining to you class section.

Scroll down to view your roster. To email a specific student, click on their email address. To email all the students in your course, click on Email All.

It is recommended that you log into your Felician email prior to clicking on either of these options to ensure that your email gets sent from your Felician email address.

To export your roster as a spreadsheet, click on Export followed by Download CSV.