Felician Wireless

The Felician University wireless intends to provide internet service to students, faculty and staff, as well as guests visiting the campus.

Getting started

Please see one of the following articles for more detail on connecting using your particular device.

The ADMIN and STUDENT networks should almost always be the network you use.
Guest access is restricted and not intended for student/employee usage.

You will log in using your Felician email credentials.
If you need help, please see our other articles, or contact the Felician University helpdesk.

Network name


Network name



Faculty and staff.

The FEL-ADMIN network is an authenticated network intended for faculty and staff, and in most cases, can act as a direct substitute for a wired connection.



The FEL-STUDENT, and RESHALL-STUDENT networks are authenticated networks intended for students, and in most cases, can act as a direct substitute for a wired connection.


Guests or visitors of the university - intended for those with no Felician account.

The RESHALL-GUEST network is a restricted network intended solely for those (e.g., visitors) who have no credentials or access to the other networks. It is suitable only for basic internet access and when connected to this network, access to certain functionally will be denied. Additionally, bandwidth is limited.

Connecting to a Guest network

Before connecting, make sure you’ve read the notes above about these networks!
Access and performance while using this network will be restricted and reduced.

Guests can connect with the following credentials:



